Student Sponsorship
You can sponsor a NACA student for just $50 a month. We offer two easy methods for Student Sponsorship:
1) Online using echeck or credit/debit card via:
2) Mail a check – please send to:
Native American Christian Academy
PO Box 4013
Sun Valley, AZ 86029-4013
Our students are knocking on the door of opportunity. You can help them open the door through our Student Sponsorship program. Native American Christian Academy incurs the cost of $13,000 per student per year. Families are responsible for $50 a month for their student(s). Sponsorship is only $50 a month and is tax deductible. When you sponsor a student you are sponsoring their biblical worldview, their safety, their meals, their showers. For more information, please contact Bethany at (Arizona residents get tax credits)
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What happens after I have decided to sponsor a student?
A: After we receive your first payment we will send you a letter of introduction, a photograph and biographical information about your student.
Q: What is the length of my sponsorship?
A: The sponsorship program is for one year; however, we encourage you to continue sponsoring your student as long as he/she is in school.
Q: Can groups sponsor a student?
A: Yes! We have a significant number of missionary societies, youth groups, Sunday School classes and congregations that sponsor a Native American Christian Academy pupil.
Q: May I write to my child, and will I receive an answer?
A: Yes! You may write as often as you would like by addressing your letter to the student C|O “Student Sponsorship” at NACA. Our students love to receive letters. We encourage he/she to write to their sponsor as time permits.
Q: May I send personal gifts in addition to tuition for my student?
A: Yes! Small gifts such as clothes or personal items may be sent to your pupil for special days. The gift should be an appropriate gift for the child’s age, literacy level, surroundings, and physical development. These should be sent to the student in care of the “Sponsorship Secretary” at Native American Christian Academy.
Q: May I send something for my students birthday?
A: Yes! Every quarter we take out our students who have celebrated a birthday for a special McDonald’s dinner and a Walmart shopping spree. All monetary gifts sent in by our sponsors will be collected and added together to share amongst our birthday students equally.
Q: Can I visit the school and meet my student?
A: Yes! Such visits are possible and encouraged. They will be at the expense of the sponsor and coordinated through our Sponsorship Secretary. She will make sure your student knows you are coming to visit and will arrange for you to eat a meal with your student if you wish. Please give us sufficient notice to make the necessary arrangements.
Q: Will my student have more than one sponsor?
A: Your sponsorship helps to pay a portion of the student’s education that his/her parents are unable to afford. However, your sponsorship assistance alone does not cover all of your sponsored student’s educational expenses. Consequently, the child you are assisting may be sponsored by other individuals as well. This combined assistance of caring individuals and groups makes Christian education and daily training possible at Native American Christian Academy.
Q: What if I am no longer able to continue sponsoring a student?
A: You may terminate your sponsorship at any time by writing to the Sponsorship Secretary and stating that you can no longer sponsor your student.
“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”