Press Release
2022 NACA Graduates
Rev. Dr. John Nells, District Superintendent Southwest Native American District and NACA Board Member, was the keynote speaker. He encouraged the graduates to be proud graduating from the Native American Christian Academy. He shared that after being involved with the school for over 37 years, he continues to meet many very accomplished former students including his own children. “Be proud of your school, become leaders and set goals for yourself to attain.”
The 2022 NACA graduates are Diamond Yazzie, Window Rock, Arizona; and Jamal Barker, Sanders, Arizona.
Diamond Yazzie is an honor student and past recipient of the Warrior Award, the school’s highest student honor. Yazzie traveled with “Sticks” the school drama program and has many good memories of those experiences. Yazzie has recently been employed as a teaching assistant and plans to pursue a career in education. In her Valedictorian speech, Yazzie shared her guiding verse is Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” NASB
Jamal Barker has also been an honor student during his high school years at NACA. He participated in the NACA summer school/internship program, Sticks and sports. He especially enjoys basketball. Barker plans to pursue training through the Job Corps with a focus on carpentry and electrical trades. He looks to Romans 1:16 for inspiration and guidance, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth…” KJV
Pastor Bethany Chouinard, NACA Learning Center Supervisor, presented the graduates. Dr. Nells and Dr. O’Riley presented the diplomas.
Announcing $50,000 Matching Funds Challenge!
Operation Transportation
Native American Christian Academy announces an exciting matching funds opportunity focused on transportation. Dr. Kristi O’Riley, NACA Director made the announcement to staff and students during chapel on Thursday, September 22, 2022. “Safe, reliable student transportation has become a critical need for all of us at Native American Christian Academy and thanks to the faithfulness of God and the generosity of our supporters, we now have a way to make this happen.”
The $50,000 Matching Fund Challenge is being funded by private donors who have a special heart for the missions and the students of Native American Christian Academy. They hope their challenge will inspire others to bless the school and be blessed through the joy of giving. Any monetary gift, large or small, will be matched up to $50,000.
Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD you God which He has given you. Deuteronomy 16:17
O’Riley shared that previously the school’s 14-passenger vans were purchased through the Campbell Soup Label programs, but since those doors have closed we have struggled to replace the decades old vehicles. “In the past hundreds of committed people spent countless hours to provide thousands and thousands of precisely, trimmed paper labels that earned new vehicles for NACA. Together we can do it again through the Operation Transportation – $50,000 Matching Funds Challenge where a little or lot will be twice as much.”
Matching Funds donations may be sent via check, CloverGive, or through Thrivent. Please follow the links as provided. Givers are asked to designate your gift “$50K Match”. Please follow us on Facebook to encourage others and for Challenge updates.
This emphasis will continue until the full match is funded. New or nearly new vans or buses will be purchased as God provides.
$50K Matching Funds Challenge FAQs | ![]() |
Q – How are the NACA school buses/vans used?
A – The NACA staff counts on school vehicles to transport students to regional locations for student activities and field trips, STICKS Team performances, to and from church when inclement weather prevents them from walking, upperclassmen attend and student athletes to league competitions. Students are also driven to drop-off points to assist parents and guardians with pick up on “go-home” days.
Q – What happened to the Campbell Soup Label Vans?
A – We are so grateful to the thousands of people who donated countless hours trimming soup labels. The vans purchased through their efforts served us well for many years, but have been forced out of service due to high miles and hail damage.
Q – I thought NACA purchased replacement buses just two years ago.
A – That’s right. We were excited to purchase three used diesel school buses in 2020. Unfortunately these vehicles have not proven to be safe, reliable or affordable to maintain.
This $50K Matching Fund will enable us to purchase new or nearly new gas engine vehicles equipped to meet our transportation needs for years to come.
Q – How does reliable transportation align with the school’s mission “to educate and disciple students for Christ.”
A – A well-rounded Christian education includes exploration of all God has to offer and shared adventures beyond our campus. It involves connections with family, going places, making new friends and taking advantage of exciting learning opportunities and growth experiences.
Q – How can I help?
A – Please continue to pray for our students and staff. If you are led to give financial support, please know that your gift will be matched up to $50K during “Let’s Go!” Operation Transportation.
“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”