Funded Gift Programs
There are several ways you can help NACA on this webpage. Please take a look!
Box Tops for Education
Thank you for continuing to participate in the NEW Digital Box Tops program. Box Tops Supporters have historically included many, many friends from all around the country. Their consideration has allowed us to support and facilitate dynamic student activities.
The NEW Box Tops for Education program has been streamlined and should be accessed through the Box Tops for Education App, Google Play or at
It’s super easy to photo/scan receipts or email digital receipts for immediate credit to Native American Christian Academy, Sun Valley, Arizona.
Convenient – Redeem anywhere, anytime within 14 days of purchase
Easy to Use – Automatically finds products on your receipt
Real Time – The school’s earnings are updated online with every scan
Extra Cash – Access special bonus offers on tops of your Box Top earnings
Box Top items still have the familiar logo and are worth 10 cents each or more during special promotions. You may be surprised how many different products are included in the program: Kleenex, General Mills cereals, Hamburger Helper, Old El Paseo , Annie’s, many PaperMate products and much more. Please access the up-to-date, complete list of eligible products at
These funds are used for student activities and field trips throughout the school year. Thank you for continuing this tradition of giving!
When you purchase Coke products and enter the product code online HERE, Coca-Cola donates to our school. When searching for schools, type in our zip code (86029) and Native American Christian Academy will appear. Individual cans, bottles, cases of Coke products are included in this Corporate Funded giving. It all adds up! For values on how much each Coke product is worth click HERE.
Together a little becomes a lot! Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”